
Our international commitment

How does CPSI choose its partners ?

The choice of our partner results either from the initiative of the applicant for a mobility, or from its origin institution for an applicant for a mobility inwards our institution. A review of the academic and administrative  records of the applicant is performed. Following parameters are taken into account : available resources, mobility scope, learning objectives. A report is issued and submitted to our management board. As a green light is obtained, the potentially partner institution is approached by a member of administrative cell, prior to the proposition and the submission of a convention. Then inter-institutional contacts go ahead until agreement. The agreement should ideally provide the students with co-certification (known as “co-diplomation”).

Which geographical areas are targeted by CPSI when choosing its potential partners ?

We wish to target all the European geographical zones in our projects, in order to enrich our experience not only by the contribution of scientific elements of high quality and diversity, but also by the broadening of inter-cultural practices. Parallel projects are also envisaged in extra-European areas.

Impact of our participation in Erasmus+ programme

In order to determine the impact of our participation in Erasmus+ program, we base ourselves on the five priorities of the Modernisation Agenda, that we develop as follows :

1.access to the acquisition of knowledges and practices more diversified than usual ones, because bounded to the external context to our institution ; as a matter of fact,  the implementation of those external elements will lead to :

  • reinforce the global level of capacities requested for the preparation to professional life
  • increase the number of certification and co-certification within our institution.

2. assurance of a real professional mobility for our participants, more adapted to work in different environments and cultures (and this in accordance with the European will  for access to jobs throughout Europa and as expected by the employers) ;

this point in particular thanks to :

  • the organization of internships allowing the acquisition of various practices and leading the participants ot a greater adaptability  in their professional working
  • the improvement of linguistic knowledges
  • the enhancement of communication skills
  • the enrichment of the pedagogy through the revision of professional practices of our teachers aiming at a greater efficiency.

3. following the realization of the first mobilities,  production of demonstration and emulation effects which must lead to increase the number of annual mobilities ; this furthermore provides us with the opportunity to settle inter-institutional collaborations in the framework of various projects

4. determination and development of innovative Good Practices in nursing through :

  • the setup of inter-institutional applied research projects with our participants to mobilities
  • the production of Manual of Good Practices convenient to be broadcast in nursing area
  • the development of a contact and exchange network for our teachers

5. with public and private partners, setup of learning and support-to-applied-research conventions including external funding or co-funding through the so-created network


Please find here the Erasmus charter for higher education 2014-2020.

CPSI (Education Center for Nursing and Health Sectors) fully complies with the objectives and with the action plan of the European Union « Erasmus for  All » in the field of education, training, youth and sports.

CPSI progressively implements an active policy of international exchanges for students and for academic and administrative staff. We are effectively convinced by the fact that studying, training himself or herself, volontary working abroad develops skills, favors the personal development and the ability to adapt herself or himself to the context, and noteworthy enhances the employability of individuals.

We are keen to develop a strong network of partners in order to highly various opportunities on pedagogic, cultural, environmental, economical and social fields. We give priority to partners involving countries of which the regime is stable and promoted the democratic values.

CPSI also intends to privilege  partners who are committed to offer quality welcoming, education and training.

At this point of time, CPSI has developed partnerships in Europe (Ireland, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Portugal, …), in Africa (Togo, Tanzania), in North America (Canada), in the Middle East (Turkey).

CPSI supports a dental care office in Togo. In line with this, we envisage the possibility for students to undertake traineeships in a nursing school in this country.

The most important targeted groups for our mobility activities are :

  • Students enrolled in the program : Bachelor Nurse Responsible for General Care
  • Bachelor Nurse Responsible for General Care (Bachelor Nurse) who may benefit from it with ECTS recognition between participating countries, and in provenance of or to non participating countries, for learning and internships within enterprises ;
  • Students enrolled in the program Health Manager and Rest Home Manager
  • Members of personnel who may benefit of mobilities in Higher Education Institutions as well as in enterprises, for training and teaching purposes.

The selection of participants is processed according to transparent and broadcast procedures, giving the opportunity to each individual to express his or her specific needs in a non-discriminative and equal opportunity way.

The preparation is indispensable in order to render those mobilities as a true accelerator and catalyst of professional and personal experience. For our students who are adults in training, CPSI is particularly observant to take time with each individual. This point in order to ensure the coherence between the wish of mobility and the personal and training project of the student (family, employers, etc.).

CPSI makes the most of this approach to students by focusing on following arguments and goals :

Experience of autonomy. This dimension is highly significant for the students. Sometimes constituting their first experience of life out of the family context, many of the students evoke the human and personal dimensions of their mobility.

Cultural experience. The tangible experience about the cultural difference is also highly present throughout testimonies. Everyday life in another language context and with different people also allows to get another point-of-view on his own culture on the otherness over the prejudices.

Enhanced curriculum. A stay abroad is very often recognized. If this does not apply, this activity highly enhances a resume because it evidences the dynamism and the adaptation abilities of the student.

Potential professional outcome.

Use of a specific network of addresses in order to apply more easily for a job abroad.

On the other hand, those exchanges constitute a launching pad that allows each partner the following points :

  • acquisition and enrichment of the most pertinent knowledges and practices
  • benefit of strong elements and opportunities produced by those partnerships

CPSI also organizes training programs in collaboration with proximal partners. This implies the taking into account issues of certification (known as “diplomation”) for each partner, the collaboration in the constitution of the training program, the signature of a convention with each partner, the broadcast of information to the students and staff, the follow-up and the evaluation process implemented together.


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