
Student incoming

Within the requirements of the programme Erasmus+, the CPSI ensures the the mobility of students and personnel members for education and teaching is based on a learning agreement for students. This programme is pre-validated by our institution.

The CPSI gives the support for the obtention of visas and insurances as well as a guidance concerning the research of an adequate accomodation.

As non-discriminative institution, we ensure an equality of academic and administrative duties for incoming students and home students.

In order to realize succesfully the mobility for each incoming student, our Direction appoints a mentor based on :

  • his personal and professional qualities ; 
  • the background of the incoming student.

Our mentor follows an operating grid for the support of the mentee. This grid includes the evaluation of relational, behavioural and cultural aspects, emotional and psychological dimensions, the monitoring and the encouragements in regard with commitments inherent to the mobility schooling and to the guidance towards specific objectives. This grid determines the objectives corresponding to those paramaters and the expected results.

Virtually, the CPSI offers the availability a classroom for the meetings with the mentor and for the integration meetings with peers. We encourage the co-mentoring by peers also by the same availability of classrooms as well as by videoconference capabilities.