Our international team is composed of an administrative cell and a pedagogical cell.
Administrative cell
Mrs Fabienne Vranckx is International Exchanges Manager. As Director of CPSI, she conducts the global supervision of mobilities, the representation to institutions, the managing of contractual elements, the implementation of partnerships and the final decision-making including review of conventions and their validations.
Mrs Fabienne Vranckx is International Exchanges Coordinator. She conducts the everyday management of projects, the set-up of mobility reports and the coordination of logistical ressources.
Mrs Alexandra de Thier is Quality Coordinator. She ensures the fullfilment of congruence parameters between the Quality demands of our institution and the performed mobility programmes.
Mr Marc Demillequand is R&D Coordinator. He conducts canvasses for preliminary contacts with potential partners order to set up partnerships with public and private sectors. He is ressource person for the set-up of ICT for teaching purposes (ICTE).
Mr Jean-François Desoille is our ressource person for the management of administrative aspects concerning student support within the academic sphere.
Mrs Marianne Rixhon conducts the management of administrative aspects concerning personnel support of personnel within the academic sphere as well as the collection of inquiries from the executive cell of the project.
Mr Gilles Petit conducts hte management of logistical aspects within the academic sphere and of the implementation of guidelines on media and updates including checking the impact of diffusion and communication actions.
Pedagogical cell
Mrs Christiane Campi is Manager of the Pedagogical Sphere. Associate Director of CPSI, she ensures the implementation of pedagogical referentials into the teaching programmes as well as the checking of implemented processus, their concordance with ECTS values. She also supervises mentoring and peering.
Mr Eric Foulon is Manager of the Intership Sphere. He supervises contacts and the inputs within the hospital sphere, retirement and nursing homes, kindergartens and other health spheres.
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